Giddings Independent School District announced today that all schools qualify to continue operating CEP under the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Pro...
JUNE 24, 2024 GIDDINGS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL SERVE UP GOOD NUTRITION FOR LOCAL CHILDREN THIS SUMMER. Bringing healthy summer meals to Giddings children ensures kids hav...
Eclipse Letter (English) Eclipse Letter (Spanish)
Giddings I.S.D. is now accepting transfer applications for RETURNING students for the 2024-2025 school year through April 30, 2024 . Beginning on May 1, 2024, G.I.S.D. will be...
NEW for the 2023 - 2024 school year is online ticket sales. Here is the official webpage for all GISD sporting events. https://giddingsisdtx.hometown...
Michael Mahoney named as Giddings High School Principal
Giddings ISD is happy to announce Michael Mahoney has been hired as the new Principal for Giddings High School.
The safety and security of our GISD students continues to be a top priority. This is a reminder to students and parents that GISD utilizes the Anonymous Alert system and has had t...
*** For Immediate Release ***
GISD Earns grade of ‘A’ in TEA Accountability Ratings
Giddings ISD earned an overall rating of ‘A’ in the TEA accountability ratings that wer...
Giddings ISD Student Registration is now open!
Pre-Kindergarten & Kindergarten: Pre-Kindergarten registration and Kindergarten registration MUST take place a...
Safety and Security at Giddings ISD
In light of the events that unfolded in Uvalde recently, citizens in our community have been asking “could it happen here?”.
While ever...
Mike Adams named as Giddings Athletic Director/ Head Football Coach
Giddings ISD is happy to announce Mike Adams has been hired as the new Athletic Director and Head Football...
Giddings ISD administrators are closely monitoring the increase in COVID cases across the area. Our plan is to continue to maintain normal school operations as we have for previo...
Giddings ISD celebrates School Board Recognition Month this January
(Giddings, Texas) – January is School Board Recognition Month and Giddings ISD is honored to celebrate i...
Family Impact Night
One of the goals for Giddings ISD is to encourage families to foster, re-establish, or even strengthen relationships in the household. Therefore, with th...
This is a reminder that ALL Students on each campus have access to free, healthy meals for the 2021-22 school year. Giddings Independent School District announced its policy on A...
Attention Last Year Ticket Holders
Reserved season football tickets will be available this year at Giddings High School. Tickets may be purchased and picked up beginning Wed...
Outside Food and Drink Policy for GES, GIS, and GMS Campuses
Effective August 18th, 2021, Giddings Elementary, Giddings Intermediate, and Giddings Middle Schools will no long...
Giddings ISD Wants to Hear From You!
Giddings ISD is receiving Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds from the federal government via the Texas Educatio...